There are a range of ways to travel to the Rat City Arts Festival. We recommend a variety of ways but please try to utilize public transportation, ride sharing, or any non-car travel.

To find the Rat City Arts Festival in your GPS simply search “Aeronaut Allston”.

Here is the physical address:

267 Western Avenue, Allston, MA, 02134

Aeronaut Allston has bike racks located on site for you to park your tandem bike, unicycle, bike with attached carriage, penny farthing, recumbent bicycle, tricycle, or hand cycle.

The closest Blue Bike station is 175 N Harvard St. with additional stations along Western Avenue.

By Bus you can take the 66, 86, 70. Each stop is only a block away from Aeronaut Allston.

For MBTA stations, we are 30 minutes walk from the Harvard Red Line Station and 20 minute walk from the Harvard Avenue Green Line Stop.

If you live in Allston Brighton, we also recommend walking over to Zone 3. Here are some distances to consider.

We are a 20 minute walk from the Sil, 35 minute walk from Kiki Mart, 21 minutes from Rock City Pizza, 18 minute walk from Bonchon Allston, 10 minute walk from Mahoney’s Garden Center, 52 minutes from Cleveland Circle (Ya’ll go take the bus).