Rat Pack Positions & Responsibilities Guide

Rat Pack Responsibilities

The Rat Pack will meet twice a month for one hour virtually during May, June, and July. Depending on your ideas or projects, additional meetings may happen. This year’s festival will be hosted on August 3rd with a rain date of August 10th at Zone 3 in Allston.

The top priority of the Rat Pack is that this experience is fun, exciting, and blends your passions for our neighborhood into amazing events for Allston-Brighton.

This is the first year of opening applications for the Rat Pack to fill specific roles. If you have questions about the responsibilities of the Rat Pack and these roles, please reach out to RatCityArtsFestival@gmail.com.

Please see descriptions for open positions below. Apply for the Rat Pack using the following link: Rat Pack Application

Applications are due April 22nd. Applicants will be notified by April 29th on their application status.

Rat Pack Positions

Director of Rat Education

As much as we love the name Rat City, we also want to address the rat problem in the neighborhood. 

Goals and Responsibilities include:

  • Provide facilitation of the ‘Rat Walk’, an educational event prior to the Rat City Arts Festival in Allston highlighting local Rat dens, how to mitigate rat issues, and highlight the rat problem in Allston. This event will guide neighbors through Allston to witness Rat hotspots and ways we can address their removal.

  • Engage with City of Boston resources and officials focused on Rat mitigation to help promote ways to address rat issues in Allston.

  • Develop Rat physical and virtual tips, resources, and guides for neighbors in Allston.

  • Welcome a in-person Rat Expert to the Rat City Arts Festival to help educate attendees on addressing rats in their life. 

Director of the Rock of Ages

This event will be hosted on August 1st prior to the leading up to the Rat City Arts Festival and will involve working with various partners to ensure a fun event for the neighborhood. 

Goals and Responsibilities include:

  • Help coordinate the ‘Rock of Ages’, an event hosted by the Rat City Arts Festival tailored to older populations in Allston-Brighton in co-sponsorship with the Veronica Smith Senior Center.

  • Be the main point of contact with the Veronica Smith Senior Center to help host the Rock of Ages.

  • Build relationships with community leaders, local organizations, and families to ensure the neighborhood is aware and excited for the Rock of Ages.

Director of the Artist Alley

The Rat City Arts Festival welcomes 18-20 art vendors, charging no application, tabling, or rental fees. We are looking for someone to help us continue an equitable, inclusive, and organized experience for our vendors. 

Goals and Responsibilities include:

  • Coordinate facilitation of the ‘Artist Alley’ where our local art vendors set up their tables at the festival. 

  • Research ways to support vendors during the festival to ensure a fun experience.

  • Manage set-up of artist alley and placement of vendors as they check in. 

  • Facilitate breakdown of Artist Alley and manage effective processes for vendors to exit the festival. 

Director of Hospitality

Throughout the festival, we engage with participants through fundraising, fun engagements (like naming the Rat City Beer!), and giveaways to help us amplify the fun element of the Rat City Arts Festival. We are looking for someone to help us build out our engagement with festival attendees.

Goals and Responsibilities include:

  • Facilitate attendee engagement with our giveaways, Artist Grant Fundraiser, and naming of the Rat City Beer. 

  • Design a table that is the centerpiece of our festival providing resources for neighbors to engage with and learn more about the Rat City Arts Festival. 

  • Manage volunteers during the festival with support from the Director of the Rat City Arts Festival.

Director of Public Relations

Help us grow our online presence and make sure anyone needing a Rat City experience can find information about the festival!

Goals and Responsibilities include:

  • Create press releases for the Rat City Arts Festival to local news agencies, city officials, and websites.

  • Develop an online presence of the Rat City Arts Festival by communicating with various music focused websites, ‘things to do around Boston’, and events calendars. 

  • Discover ways to amplify the message and story of the Rat City Arts Festival to local officials, art organizations, and news agencies.